• monica dengo classe

    “It’s only been a couple of generations since my Ancestors made those hands on the caves. Those places are our libraries & the works within them are our literature.”

    Peta Wanjunagalin

  • monica dengo classe

    "La scrittura a mano è scrittura oltre la scrittura, è esperienza dell’unità tra segno, parola e corpo. Lasciare il segno vuol dire praticare questa unità."

  • monica dengo classe

    "An attempt to open a dialogue between Western and Eastern calligraphy" Two workshops about Western and Eastern calligraphy and an exhibition at the MAO - Museum of Oriental Art - in Turin Italy, September 3-11, 2016 with Monica Dengo and Norio Nagayama.

  • monica dengo classe

    "the term Wabi-Sabi, sometimes described as a beauty that is "imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete”, seemed complex or difficult to explain ..." an article by Monica Dengo about the workshop in South Japan 2016

  • monica dengo classe

    An exhibition at the TRANSFO - Zwevegem, Belgium.
    Curated by Brody Neuenschwander

  • monica dengo classe

    The return of Calligraphy and the Rediscovery of the Pure Gesture.
    Handwriting a creative expression

  • monica dengo classe

    Come le parole dell'arabo preislamico, intelleggibili solo all'interno del senso generale della frase, così la scrittura di Monica Dengo si rende volutamente illeggibile, per lasciare emergere in primo piano il movimento di suggestioni inesprimibili e impalpabili sensazioni, in genere lasciato al margine di una lettura testuale.

  • monica dengo classe

    ..... rhythm. regular strokes, austere punctuation of in-significant and repeated engravings all intervened in the common origins of art and writing. Signs, spaces, were the rhythm, not shapes. The abstract lies at the origins of graphism, writing at the origins of art."

    Roland Barthes, Variations on writing.

  • monica dengo classe

    The difficulty lies in the fact that this gesture is totally anarchic, can be made by anybody and therefore, there is no need to be an expert calligrapher to make it. In reality people who know nothing about good handwriting can do it better.